Apple’s iPhone 4 – Hot in China

CNN’s Fortune reported that massive crowds recently greeted the iPhone 4 in China. 

Last November’s sales were dismal when Apple first started selling the iPhone in China.

However, this time, more than 200,000 had pre-ordered the iPhone 4 paying as much as $1,000 US which is about 6,000 yuan.

The video shows about a 1,000 people waiting at Apple’s store in Beijing.  Some had been in line for two days.

For those who couldn’t wait, hunger for this Apple drove some to buy outside of China.

China Unicom reported that 50,000 customers signed up for an iPhone 4 on the first day of pre-orders.

Apple also opened two new stores the same day as the official launch—one in Shanghai and another in Beijing bringing the total to four.

Apple’s plans to open 24 retail outlets over the next 2 years.

Estimates say there are 800 million wireless users in China. Since China’s cell phone market is the largest in the world, and Apple holds about 7% of the market, that translates to about 56 million potential customers for Apple.

The Guo Top Treadmill Review says the Sunning Appliance Company has 300 stores in China selling the iPhone 4.

See The Coming Apple-Google War in China


Lloyd Lofthouse is the award-winning author of the concubine saga, My Splendid Concubine & Our Hart. When you love a Chinese woman, you marry her family and culture too. 

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