The First Emperor: The Man Who Made China – Part 1/9

Professor Jeffrey Riegel, from the University of California, Berkeley traveled to China to unlock the truth behind one of the earth’s greatest legends, a man larger than life, the first emperor of China, Shi Huangdi. This nine part series on YouTube (each part runs about 10 minutes) is the documentary film about that emperor.

First Emperor’s Warriers

Shi Huangdi was barely thirteen when his father died (246 BC) after being king of Qin for three years. The legends say Shi Huangdi was a tyrant driven mad by power.

He built a tomb the likes of which humanity has never seen. When the first emperor was buried, he was the most powerful man on earth. He unified an empire that outlasted Rome by a thousand years, and he ruled ten times the population of ancient Egypt.

Go to Part 2 of The Man Who Made China or discover Gold from Dead Tibetan Caterpillars

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Lloyd Lofthouse is the award-winning author of My Splendid Concubine [3rd edition]. When you love a Chinese woman, you marry her family and culture too. This is the love story Sir Robert Hart did not want the world to discover.

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3 Responses to The First Emperor: The Man Who Made China – Part 1/9

  1. […] What did the first emperor of China consume that contributed to his madness and death? (This answer is in one of the nine […]

  2. […] The First Emperor: The Man Who Made China (Part 1 of 9) « iLook China […]

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